Google app engine support ************************* Currently, there is support for storing data on `Google app engine `_ using ndb. This is mainly intended for storing small bits of data, like sessions or similiar but not large binary blobs [1]_. .. class:: simplekv.gae.NdbStore A backend that stores data on ndb objects. The objects key will be the key in the kvstore, while an attribute ``v`` must be present on the object to store the data. .. method:: __init__(obj_class): :param obj_class: An instance of a `Model `_ object. Here is a minimal example: :: from google.appengine.ext import ndb from simplekv.gae import NdbStore class MyKvModel(ndb.Model): v = ndb.BlobProperty(indexed=False) store = NdbStore(MyKvModel) .. [1] You're welcome to implement it and `submit a patch `_.